Swingers Clubs in Brazil
If you know of any swingers clubs in Brazil that we do not have listed please drop us a line telling us about them.
We have added all the clubs we are aware of, and itemized the ones we think are now closed.
Please check our central club listing site at www.clubsandparties.comto see if we have found more clubs since we last updated this one.
São Paulo
Code Club International - São Paulo - Morumbi - www.codeclubinternational.com.br
GA10 - São Paulo - www.ga10.com.br
Nefertitti - São Paulo - Moema - www.nefertitti.com.br
Mansão Heffner - Fortaleza - www.swingceara.com.br
Distrito Federal
Paraiso Brasilia - Brasilia - www.paraisobrasilia.com.br
Espirito Santo
Ilha da Fantasia - Espirito Santo - www.ilhadafantasia-es.com.br
Mato Grosso do Sul
Doolance - https://www.doolance.com.br/
Minas Gerais
Desiree club - Curitiba - www.desireeclub.com.br
Liberty House- www.libertyhouse.com.br
Mistura Fina - Recife - www.clubprivemisturafina.com.br
Rio de Janeiro
2 a 2 - Copacabana - www.2a2.com.br
Mistura Certa - Centro - https://misturacerta.com.br
Henri Clube - https://www.hcswing.com.br